  • Уровень: 42
  • Требуемый уровень: 29
  • Сторона: Обе фракции
  • Начинает:Поззик
  • Оканчивает: Поззик
  • Общий
  • Повторяемый
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Индарилиевая руда


I'd like to integrate indurium into different parts of our racers, but I need large amounts of raw indurium to create these parts.

You can find indurium ore in the Uldaman excavation in the Badlands, across the sea in Khaz Modan.

The gnomes are getting their own supply of it, so it's important we get our own to keep pace with them.
Индарилиевая руда (4)


Также, вы получите: 6


Excellent! I'll get the crew to work right away on the parts we'll need for the next race.

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