Цепочка заданий
3.Разносчик заразы
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Разносчик заразы


You know where this is leading, don't you, <имя>? There's no way she can survive... look at her. The best thing for her now is to aid us in finding a cure for the plague. This water she drank might have a clue that helps us figure out how. She's going to die anyway--she might as well die doing something noble for our people before she does. Don't you agree?


Также, вы получите: 75


Wonderful. You're back before she died. Good, good.

Let's get started on this then, shall we?

I've been studying her symptoms for some time now, and it's quite ugly. I'm surprised she's still standing. She's vomited three or four times all over the place... quite a pleasant odor.

Give me just a moment to put something together to test on our... friend.


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