Зов Воды
Отнесите Осколок Воды Заклинательнице Воды Ислен к Лестнице Прилива, что в Степях.Осколок Воды |
Осколок Воды |
Возьми осколок. Возьми его и даруй жизнь.Даруй жизнь и пойми. Пойми, что вода – это жизнь... А скверна – конец жизни.
Оберегай и даруй жизнь силой воды.
Вы получите:Тотем воды |
Тотем исцеляющего потока |
You've returned. Splendid!How went your journey to Silverpine? Did it take you long?
It is hard for me to tell if you were successful there because so much of the land has become corrupt. Its stench overwhelms any good that you might have done. But small successes are sometimes as important as large ones. Purifying the water there was instrumental for you, and for all shamans.
This is the proof I asked for. You've done well, <имя>.I am pleased to be the first to congratulate you and give you this... your water totem.
Use it well, and good luck.
Your next test will not be for some time, so learn your lessons well. Pure water will not only give life back to those who are injured, but can have many other effects. I suggest you seek out a shaman trainer when you have the time. They might have other spells for you to learn.