  • Группа: Город Шаттрат


Эту группу эльфов крови, отвергших путь Кель'таса, возглавляет Ворен'таль Провидец. К большому неудовольствию Алдоров, Провидцы заключили союз с наару из Шаттрата.

The Scryers are blood elves who reside in Shattrath City led by Voren'thal the Seer. The group broke away from Prince Kael'thas and offered to assist the Naaru at Shattrath City. They are at odds with the Aldor, and compete with them for power within Shattrath and the Naaru's favor.
Most players will start at neutral with the Aldor. Khadgar in Shattrath City will give players the choice of aligning themselves with the Scryers or Aldor after completing City of Light. This choice is reversible if players feel the need. Blood elf players will be friendly with the Scryers and hostile with the Aldor, whereas draenei players will be hostile to the Scryers and friendly to the Aldor.
The Scryers have both a Master Enchanter trainer and a Grand Master Enchanter trainer. Due to this, the enchanter nestled deep within Uldaman is rendered obsolete.
Quartermaster Enuril and Inscriber Veredis are located in the Scryers bank on the southern edge of the Terrace of Light. The Seer's Library in the Scryer's Tier is home to Arodis Sunblade <Keeper of Sha'tari Artifacts> and Veynna Dawnstar <Keeper of Sha'tari Heirlooms>, who exchange epic armor tokens for Tier 4 and Tier 5 gear, respectively.
Note: Reputation gains with Scryers correspond with a 10% greater loss of reputation with the Aldor. Most reputation gains with the Scryers will also grant 50% of the reputation gained toward your standing with the Sha'tar.


After enduring relentless assaults, the harried Sha'tar and Aldor guards braced for the next wave as it marched over the horizon. This time, the attack came from the armies of Illidan Stormrage. A large regiment of blood elves had been sent by Illidan’s ally, Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, to lay waste to the city. As the regiment of blood elves crossed the bridge, the Aldor’s exarches and vindicators lined up to defend the Terrace of Light. Then the unexpected happened, the blood elves laid down their weapons in front of the city's defenders. Their leader, a blood elf elder known as Voren’thal, stormed into the Terrace of Light and demanded to speak to the naaru A'dal. As the naaru approached him, Voren’thal knelt and uttered the following words: "I’ve seen you in a vision, naaru. My race’s only hope for survival lies with you. My followers and I are here to serve you."
The defection of Voren’thal and his followers was the largest loss ever incurred by Kael’thas’ forces. Many of the strongest and brightest amongst Kael’thas’ scholars and magisters had been swayed by Voren’thal's influence. The naaru accepted the defectors who became known as the Scryers.


Until Honored
Players looking to gain the higher reputation ranks (revered, exalted) may wish to save non-repeatable quests until after reaching honored.
Turning in 10 [Firewing Signet] to Magistrix Fyalenn in Scryer's Tier will grant 250 reputation with the Scryers. These signets can also be turned in one at a time at the same exchange rate, 25 reputation per signet. These signets drop from low ranking Firewing members found in the northeast section of Terrokar Forest. This repeatable quest becomes unavailable at honored. If no other reputation quests are done, 240 signets are required to go from friendly to honored.
Until Exalted
Once you reach level 68, you may also turn in [Sunfury Signet]. These drop from high-ranking Sunfury blood elves (found in Netherstorm, Shadowmoon Valley, and the Tempest Keep instances). If you wish, you may turn in the higher level signets before honored reputation, however it is recommended that you save them for after you hit honored. For every 10 signets, you will gain 250 reputation. Once you hit honored it will take approximately 1,320 Sunfury signets to go from honored to exalted if no other reputation is earned.
Arcane Tomes
[Arcane Tome] may be turned in at any time to Voren'thal the Seer inside the The Seer's Library on the Scryer's Tier. This will increase your reputation with the Scryers by 350 per hand-in. If you wish, you may turn in the Arcane Tomes before honored reputation, however it is recommended that you save them for after you hit honored. Once you hit honored it will take approximately 94 Arcane Tomes to go from honored to exalted if no other reputation is earned. In addition to reputation gains, you will receive an [Arcane Rune], which is currency for the purchase of shoulder enchants from Inscriber Veredis, who resides in the Scryers bank.

Switching to Scryers

To change your faction from Aldor to Scryers to access their crafting recipes (and undo all reputation progress you have made), find Arcanist Adyria, a Scryers in the Lower City. She offers you a repeatable quest, Voren'thal's Visions, that requires you to find eight [Dampscale Basilisk Eye]. Once you are Neutral with the Scryers, you can no longer receive this quest. The quest gives you +250 Scryers reputation and -275 Aldor reputation (in addition, the quest also gives you +125 reputation with The Sha'tar).

Дополнительная информация

<Master Alchemy Trainer>
62A ОГуманоид
Alchemy60A ОРазное
<Flight Master>
A ОГуманоид
A ОРазное
<General Goods>
A ОГуманоид
Amshesha Stilldark
60A ОГуманоид
Arcanist Raestan60 - 61A ОГуманоид
Arcanist Savan70A ОГуманоид
Arcanist Thelis68
A ОРазное
Arcanist Xorith
<Scryer Apothecary>
70A ОГуманоид
Archer Delvinar
<Specialty Ammunition Vendor>
62A ОГуманоид
Arodis Sunblade
<Keeper of Sha'tari Artifacts>
64A ОГуманоид
<Tailoring Supplies>
A ОРазное
<Master Blacksmithing Trainer>
62A ОГуманоид
Battlemage Vyara69
A ОРазное
Belanna60A ОГуманоид
Berudan Keysworn
60A ОГуманоид
Blacksmithing60A ОРазное
Botanist Alaenra
<Master Herbalism Trainer>
62A ОГуманоид
Caledis Brightdawn68
A ОРазное
Cheerful Scryer Spirit70A ОГуманоид
Commander Hobb71
A ОГуманоид
Cooking60A ОРазное
<Master Leatherworking Trainer>
62A ОГуманоид
Dathris Sunstriker70A ОГуманоид
Dragonmaw Raid Credit Marker (Scryers)1A ОГуманоид
Enchanter Aeldron
<Apprentice Enchanter>
61A ОГуманоид
Enchanter Salias
<Apprentice Enchanter>
60A ОГуманоид
Enchanting60A ОРазное
Enchantress Andiala
<Master Enchanting Trainer>
62A ОГуманоид
Enchantress Metura
<Apprentice Enchanter>
60A ОГуманоид
Enchantress Volali
<Enchanting Trainer>
62A ОГуманоид
Engineer Sinbei
<Master Engineering Trainer>
62A ОГуманоид
Engineering60A ОРазное
<Food & Drink>
A ОРазное
First Aid60A ОРазное
Fishing60A ОРазное
Furan60A ОГуманоид
Fyra Dawnstar68A ОГуманоид
Ghostly Aldor Celebrant1A ОГуманоид
<Master Mining Trainer>
62A ОГуманоид
Herbalism60A ОРазное
High Enchanter Bardolan
<Master Enchanting Trainer>
63A ОГуманоид
<Stable Master>
60A ОГуманоид
Innkeeper Haelthol
60A ОГуманоид
Inscription60A ОРазное
Investigator Asric70A ОГуманоид
<Master Skinning Trainer>
62A ОГуманоид
Jewelcrafting60A ОРазное
Kirembri Silvermane
<Master Jewelcrafting Trainer>
62A ОГуманоид
L'lura Goldspun
60A ОГуманоид
Lariel Sunrunner69
A ОРазное
Larissa Sunstrike69
A ОРазное
Leatherworking60A ОРазное
<Blacksmithing Supplies>
A ОРазное
Lisrythe Bloodwatch
64A ОГуманоид
Loremaster Skosiris70A ОГуманоид
Magister Brasael
<Emblem of Valor Quartermaster>
80A ОГуманоид
Magister Falris64A ОГуманоид
Magistrix Fyalenn
<The Scryers>
A ОГуманоид
Magistrix Larynna69
A ОРазное
Mahir Redstroke
<Dagger Vendor>
62A ОГуманоид
Mi'irku Farstep
<Portal Trainer>
63A ОГуманоид
Mining60A ОРазное
<Master Tailoring Trainer>
62A ОГуманоид
Nalama the Merchant
<General Goods>
60A ОГуманоид
Olodam Farhollow64A ОГуманоид
Quartermaster Enuril
<Scryer Quartermaster>
62A ОГуманоид
Quelama Lightblade
<Wand Vendor>
60A ОГуманоид
65A ОГуманоид
Sanctum Defender68 - 70A ОГуманоид
Scribe Lanloer
<Master Inscription Trainer>
62A ОГуманоид
Scribe Veredis
<Scryer Inscriptions>
70A ОГуманоид
Scryer Arcane Guardian70A ОЭлементаль
Scryer Arcanist60 - 61A ОГуманоид
Scryer Cavalier69A ОГуманоид
Scryer Dragonhawk70
A ОЖивотное
Scryer Guardian70
A ОРазное
Scryer Hawkstrider70A ОЖивотное
Scryer Retainer63 - 66A ОГуманоид
Scryer Vault Guardian70A ОЭлементаль
Seasoned Magister70A ОГуманоид
Selanam the Blade
<Sword Vendor>
64A ОГуманоид
Skinning60A ОРазное
Spymaster Thalodien68
A ОРазное
A ОГуманоид
Tailoring60A ОРазное
Trader Endernor
<Trade Goods>
60A ОГуманоид
Urumir Stavebright
<Staff Vendor>
60A ОГуманоид
Varen the Reclaimer68
A ОРазное
A ОРазное
Veynna Dawnstar
<Keeper of Sha'tari Heirlooms>
65A ОГуманоид
Vinemaster Alamaro
<Wine Vendor>
60A ОГуманоид
Voren'thal the Seer72
A ОГуманоид
Yurial Soulwater
<Enchanting Supplies>
60A ОГуманоид